Research school MGC
The Medical Genetics Center South-West Netherlands (MGC) was founded in 1988 on the initiative of the Medical faculties of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University to consolidate and strengthen the knowledge and research qualities within the various medical genetics institutes, with the ultimate goal of increasing the quality of life. Nowadays MGC connects 18 research groups from Erasmus Medical Center (Erasmus MC), Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Faculty of Science of Leiden University (UL). In parallel, the MGC serves as a training institute for PhD (and master) students.
From the founding a number of research lines can be distinguished:
- Genetic and molecular basis of cancer and aging
- Heriditary and congenital abnormalities
- Risk assessment after exposure to radiation and chemical agents
- Genome expression and stability
- Development of diagnostics and therapeutics
Over the years, these lines of research have been deepened, broadened and greatly accelerated through the findings and development of techniques. For example, 'omics' techniques enable risk analysis on an individual level and by the elucidation of the human genome in combination with mechanistic studies of diseases, many applications in (prenatal) diagnostics have been developed. In the future, the emphasis will continue to be on fundamental scientific research into molecular and cellular processes. The knowledge gained from this will increasingly be used for clinical or other social applications.
MGC PhD program
MGC also serves as a training institute for young researchers. The aim of the MGC is to provide the PhD students with an optimal environment for performing high-quality research, while offering PhD students the opportunity to cover a wide range of aspects of cellular biology and molecular and medical genetics, including the provision of an extensive course program.
A broad education, in addition to the usually super specialized research program, is of great value for both the MGC and the PhD student who will attain a better 'market value' and will, thus, have a better chance on the job market. About 400 PhD students are currently working towards a PhD degree in one of the MGC affiliated departments.
Participation in the MGC teaching program is mandatory for all PhD students within the MGC. The package of courses for the individual PhD student contains obligatory courses including the ones demanded by the Medical Faculties in Leiden, Rotterdam and by the University of Leiden . Each of these organizations has a PhD program for their PhD students. These programs are embedded in the Graduate School MGC. The PhD students of the MGC are advised to carefully check the program of the organization they belong to and comply with the requirements.
- For PhD students at the LUMC it is advised to visit the site: , but also relevant at the website of the University Leiden (see link for PhD students of LACDR) courses can be found
- For the Erasmus MC PhD students it is described in the document 'Teaching program of Biomedical Science' that can be found at the site:
- PhD students of LACDR can visit the website: -lacdr
In addition to compulsory activities that the different graduate schools have imposed on PhD students, the MGC has formulated another two activities that a PhD student is adviced to follow during his/her appointment:
- Course 'Safe Laboratory Techniques' ("Working Safely in Laboratories")
A 'one day' course. The following points will be addressed: safe microbiological techniques; radionuclides; carcinogenic agents; blood, viruses; radiation. This course has to be taken in the first year. The course will be given twice a year. The course will be given in collaboration with the VSM Department of the LUMC.
- MGC PhD student workshop
The format is a yearly four-day meeting outside town. PhD students are strongly advised to participate three times. For more information follow this link .
As far as it concerns the non-compulsory part the PhD student is free to compile his/her own individual program of course in consultation with his supervisor. The MGC is aware that the teaching program of each PhD student should cover as much as possible the whole field of cellular biology, and/or molecular and medical genetics and organizes, therefore, more than 15 specialized courses on a large variety of subjects. Besides courses organized by the MGC, PhD courses can also be followed at other research schools or institutes such as MolMed , and Boerhaave who also offer a wide range of courses.