- MGC -

MGC PhD student workshop

The MGC PhD workshop is a four-day meeting outside town organized every year by and for PhD candidates of the MGC (Medical-Genetic Center South-West Netherlands). The MGC is a joint effort of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) to execute top level scientific research in the area of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology with the final goal to advance science and to improve the quality of human life. At the same time, the institutions serve as training facilities for graduate and PhD students.

During this workshop, around 130 PhD students from LUMC, Erasmus MC and Leiden University get the chance to present their research by giving lectures and poster presentations and by discussing them with each other. In this way PhD students get the chance to share their research and discuss the results in an informal setting, exchange knowledge, build a social network, and have fun. The attendance to the workshop is part of the PhD program and PhD students should attend the workshop at least three times during their PhD. Also, two or three keynote speakers will be invited who will not only present research related topics, but topics such as opportunities after your PhD, how do you start a company,  or how to make a career as a research journalist.

All departments belonging to MGC graduate program can be found here .

The MGC PhD workshop 2025 will take place from the 2nd to the 5th of June in Düsseldorf!

MGC PhD workshop committee 2025

MGC committee members: Dejan Stevic, Max Hennink, Kayleigh Putker, Georgia Avramidou, Galina Filonova, under the guidance of Thamar van Dijk